News Coverage

Our campaign is first and foremost focused on TV advertising that reaches people in their homes; often men and women who are in their 40s to 80s; voters who still consume their news and entertainment through "traditional TV." (I.e., network news and TV shows on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and UNIVISION.) In addition to that goal, we hope to earn  "traditional media news coverage" on TV, Radio, and in Newspapers.

In addition to TV ads airing on national networks and their local affiliates, we've experienced a substantial amount of newspaper articles and TV News stories on a regular basis. (See samples below.) Some of this coverage (I.e., Entertainment Weekly, A.P. - Associated Press - and others) has been repeated in local news outlets literally hundreds of times. For example, the A.P. story about our ads ran in over 250 local newspapers (in print or online) after it was published. This has happened repeatedly with other news stories. In short, thousands of news stories have appeared about our campaign for babies' lives in hundreds of news outlets around America.

In addition to traditional media, we've experienced an avalanche of "social media."  We are thankful and honored for the "coverage," and the debate and dialogue our campaign has inspired in the social media world. We urge our supporters in cyber space to follow the "Five Rules and Tools" of Social Revolution, and refuse to yield a single inch to the murderers of infants.

That said, there is simply no way for us to highlight the tens of thousands of posts, tweets, retweets, etc., about our mission for babies.

What follows is a small sample of the news stories that have erupted around our campaign. For those following social media, we encourage you to put "Randall Terry" or "Stephen Broden" into a search engine, and see where it takes you. May you serve Christ, and be unwavering for His Babies. 


LifeSite - November 18
Randall Terry’s powerful abortion ads were seen by 45 million viewers, likely helped Trump win
LifeSite - November 1
Brutal TV ad takes on Catholic bishops for silence on abortion: ‘You’re either a coward or a Judas’
WTHR 13, NBC Indianapolis - November 1
WTHR is legally required to air graphic ad purchased by presidential candidate
WBRE-TV, PA HomePage - November 1
Editorial note about graphic anti-abortion ad airing on NBC and CBS
The Advocate - October 31
TV stations were forced to air vile anti-trans, homophobic ads so graphic they got on-air content warnings
LifeSite - October 30
Devastating new national TV commercial: ‘Horror of Kamala’ vividly shows the carnage of abortion
The Verge - October 30
Why you’re seeing those gross political ads during the World Series
Fox 4, Kansas City - October 29
Editorial note about graphic anti-abortion ad airing on FOX4
LifeSite - October 23
New Ad to Run During ABC World News Honoring Prisoners
Reason - October 21
This Activist Uses the FCC To Shoehorn Gruesome Anti-Abortion Ads Onto the Air
Washington Post - October 21
Why are ABC viewers being forced to see a graphic anti-abortion ad?
The Associated Press - October 11
‘The View’ abortion ad signals wider effort to use an FCC regulation to spread a message
Newsweek - October 11
Anti-Abortion Ad Comparing Whoopi Goldberg to Nazis Aired During 'The View'
LifeSite - October 11
ABC airs pro-life ad showing aborted babies during The View, comparing hosts to Nazis
Entertainment Weekly - October 10
ABC airs anti-abortion ad with disturbing images during The View broadcast comparing show cohosts to Nazis
WBNG 12 News, CBS Binghamton - October 1
Presidential Candidate Randall Terry visits Binghamton, says he’s not interested in being POTUS
WIVT NewsChannel 34, ABC Binghamton - October 1
Randall Terry brings presidential campaign to Binghamton
WKBT News 8 Now, CBS La Crosse - September 29
A third party candidate ad showing aborted fetuses airs this week. WKBT is legally obligated to run it
WXOW News 19, ABC La Crosse - September 26
Constitution Party candidate promotes anti-abortion message
WKOW 27 News, ABC Madison - September 26
Why TV stations have to air all those political ads and yes, the graphic ones too
WISC Channel 3000, CBS Madison - September 24
How far is too far for political ads?
TMJ4 News, NBC Milwaukee - September 23
Voters react to gruesome political ad airing on TMJ4; Here's why it must be broadcasted
LifeSite - September 17
Pro-life campaign ads show aborted children to steer support away from Kamala Harris
New American - September 10
Constitution Party Candidates Plan Democratic Party Takedown

PDF Available
The Independent - August 31
Democrats are now hoping to siphon votes from Trump by pushing to get anti-abortion third-party candidate on ballot
Fox News - August 19
Constitution Party nominee aiming to help Trump, 'destroy' the Democrat Party
Freedom Project: Dr. Duke Show - July 23
Stephen Broden Discusses The Values Of The Constitution Party
Independent Political Report - July 12
Interview: Constitution Party Campaign Director Joe Slovenec re: Ballot Access, Ice-T “Endorsement” of Randall Terry
Independent Political Report - July 11
Free and Equal Elections Presidential Debate Discussion and Open Thread
The Free and Equal Elections Foundation - July 11
Free & Equal Elections Interviews Presidential Candidate Randall Terry
The Amputated Baptist Podcast - July 11
Running Away from the Secret Service with Randall Terry
The New American - July 8
Randall Terry: Constitution Party Candidate for President
Independent Political Report - July 5
Interview: Randall Terry, Constitution Party POTUS Nominee; Right-to-Life-At-Conception Activist
Washington Post - July 5
Where an independent or third-party candidate could hurt Biden or Trump
New York Post - July 2
North Carolina election board faces GOP-led federal investigation over parties’ ballot access
The Christian Post - July 1
Third-party presidential candidate seeks to 'blow a hole in the Democrat Party'
ABC, Raleigh-Durham - June 20
Constitution Party fighting to secure spot on NC 2024 ballot: 'Nobody owns the vote' 6/20
Pray in Jesus Name - May 22
Pastor Stephen Broden and Randall Terry are Running for President & Life
The Huffington Post - April 30
Anti-Abortion Extremist Will Be On The Presidential Ballot In 12 States
Independent Political Report - April 29
EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Constitution Party’s Randall Terry, Stephen Broden, and Joe Slovenec
Politico - April 27
Constitution Party nominates anti-abortion activist Randall Terry for president


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