State Ballot Ads

Child-killing is "on the ballot" in 10 states

These ads are custom made to defend babies in those states. 

Contact us to run these ads in your state: (901) 604-4786



Pimps and Pedophiles


Black Genocide



Pimps and Pedophiles


Black Genocide



My Mom


Pimps and Pedophiles


Black Genocide


My Mom (En Español)


Trump Repent



Pimps and Pedophiles


Black Genocide



Black Genocide


Pimps and Pedophiles


Kamala Horror (Amendment 3)



Pimps and Pedophiles


Black Genocide



Pimps and Pedophiles


Black Genocide



Pimps and Pedophiles


Black Genocide


New York

Black People, Run! Kamala Horror (Prop 1)


New York Voters! Tell them "Go to hell!"


NYC Voters! Tell them "Go to hell!"


Pimps and Pedophiles


Kamala Horror (Prop 1)


Black Genocide

South Dakota

Pimps and Pedophiles


Black Genocide



Did you know?


A Candidate on the ballot in 10 states is permitted to run ads in all fifty states. 


Section 73.1940 [47 CFR §73.1940] Legally qualified candidates for public office.

(a)   A legally qualified candidate for public office is any person who:

(1)   Has publicly announced his or her intention to run for nomination or office;

(2)   Is qualified under the applicable local, State or Federal law to hold the office for which he or she is a candidate; and

(3)   Has met the qualifications set forth in either paragraph (b), (c), (d), or (e) of this section.

(b)   A person seeking election to any public office including that of President or Vice President of the United States, or nomination for any public office except that of President or Vice President, by means of a primary, general or special election, shall be considered a legally qualified candidate if, in addition to meeting the criteria set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, that person:

(c)   A person seeking election to the office of President or Vice President of the United States shall, for the purposes of the Communications Act and the rules in 47 CFR chapter I, be considered legally qualified candidates only in those States or territories (or the District of Columbia) in which they have met the requirements set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section: Except, that any such person who has met the requirements set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section in at least 10 States (or 9 and the District of Columbia) shall be considered a legally qualified candidate for election in all States, territories, and the District of Columbia for the purposes of this Act.


Other Candidates Highlighted


Democrats Reunite with the KKK (Koppie Ad)


We're Dying With You Baby (Koppie Ad)


No on Prop 139 (Aversa Ad)


Paid for by Terry 2024, Inc.

Showing 3 reactions

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  • Sugma Ballz
    commented 2024-11-02 00:16:55 -0500
    Randall Terry is a disgusting creep who puts pictures of dead babies on national TV at times when children might see them. He is so absorbed in his anti-abortion crusade that he doesn’t care one bit about how bad of a person his grandstanding might make him come off as. This sick motherfucker will be haunted by the same images he subjected the unsuspecting public including the children he claims to care so much for to for all eternity as he burns in hell, where he shall surely go for being a disgusting hateful unchristlike piece of dung. Satan’s eternal wrath awaits you Terry. The flames are hot and your old ass is soon to burn.
  • Mother Fucker
    commented 2024-11-01 05:38:23 -0500
    Randall Terry is a disgusting freak.
  • Robert Byrd
    published this page 2024-09-24 18:30:26 -0500

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