And our message is clear: Defend Children, Defeat Kamala/Walz, Destroy the Democrat Party!


My Mom


Has Walz Committed Crimes?


Pimps and Pedophiles


Black Genocide


Democrats and The Little Guy


Catholics & Democrats


Reaping What We Sow


Black Leaders Sold Us Out


Let’s Fight the New Ku Klux Klan


Abortion and Slavery


Bamboozled Blacks


The Constitution Party


My Mom (En Español)


NY Voters! Tell them "Go to hell!"


Stupid Celebrities


TV Special: The Democrat Party Must Be Destroyed


Friend, you can see, these ads do NOT hurt Trump! Telling Catholic and Black voters it is a SIN to vote for a Democrat does NOT hurt Trump! Exposing and rebuking the Democrats will clearly HELP Trump and the Republicans! 

We have nearly 20 more powerful TV ads in production that have the same message: Defend Children, Defeat Kamala/Walz, and Destroy the Democrat Party!

This is why Republican voters and donors have given us tens of thousands of dollars - and keep giving! They understand our strategy! They know these ads will save babies' lives, and could cause the Democrat nominee to lose Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania - and lose the election! 

We are in a position to deliver this message unlike ANY other candidates!

Are you with us?! Will you support this mission?

PLEASE DONATE generously.

This will be the wisest, most cost effective, and most LIFE-SAVING political contribution you will make this year! Maybe ever!


Paid for by Terry 2024, Inc.

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  • Scott Lowell
    followed this page 2024-08-28 11:13:44 -0500
  • Norbert Walliczek
    followed this page 2024-08-08 23:53:42 -0500
  • Robert Byrd
    published this page 2024-07-09 17:11:02 -0500

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