

November 5th is our chance to stand for the babies! Please do not vote for Biden or any baby killing democrat for that matter. We are mounting this campaign to show the truth about abortion and to encourage voters not to vote for Biden. We are not even asking for your vote. Over 50% of Catholics, 1/3 of Evangelicals, and 90 % of Blacks (many who say they are against abortion) voted for Biden in 2020. If a small percentage of them repent, it could cause Biden’s defeat. And it will put the plight of babies front and center in this election!

Our Strategic Solution for ballot access, to run ads in ALL FIFTY STATES: Our original goal was to get on the ballot in 10 states we can run ads in all 50 for just 25,075 signatures total. Which is time consuming and expensive.

Well...we decided to change direction and instead of us working on our own to gain ballot access in 10 states we decided to seek the nomination for President from the Constitution Party. The Constitution Party is the third largest of the "third parties". We are excited to announce that at the Constitution Party's Nominating Convention on April 27, 2024 the Terry/Broden ticket, by a significant majority, won the party's nomination.

That nomination, because of the party's ballot access, gives us a total of 14 states that we have ballot access in currently and by the election should be between 25 and 30 states. Now we don't have to spend time and money gaining ballot access. All of the funds we raise can go to producing and placing ads on TV!

To learn more about the Constitution Party go to www.ConstitutionParty.com


Showing 2 reactions

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  • Mike Barber
    commented 2024-05-06 04:50:30 -0500
    Congratulations on winning the Constitution Party’s nomination. Looking forward to seeing the ads on TV.
  • Harry Kaehr
    published this page 2024-01-28 16:30:56 -0600

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